Valitut rajaukset: Poista rajaukset
This course is organized in collaboration with several universities and instructors under the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Network on Northern Tourism.
This course is organized in collaboration with several universities and instructors under the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Network on Northern Tourism The course is run from University of Oulu, and they are the ones responsible for the course, making it happen, grading it, etc. Contact person at the University of Lapland: Professor Outi Rantala
This course is organized in collaboration with several universities and instructors under the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Network on Northern Tourism. The course is run from University of Iceland, and they are the ones responsible for the course, making it happen, grading it, etc. Contact person at the University of Lapland: Professor Outi Rantala.
Opintosuoritusmerkintä annetaan maisteriopintojen 1. lukuvuoden päätteeksi, kun vaadittavat suoritukset on suoritettu hyväksytysti ja sovitun mukaisesti.
Attention! Because of the method used, independent preparation for the classes is mandatory. It is not possible to complete the classwork without familiarizing with the preparatory material. The course accommodates a maximum of 25 students. TourCIM students and other students of tourism research have priority.
Timing: 2nd period. Can also be completed individually during the summer term.
Opetusprofiilit: HYBRIDI 3, mutta kaikkia luentoja ei nauhoiteta. Tai ETÄ 2, johon sisältyy vain itsenäisesti suoritettavia, opettajan arvioimia tehtäviä. Toteutus on aikatauluttamaton.